Keith's KVA

page about


and other fun stuff.

I'm a journeyman lineman with over 30 years of experience in line trade.  I received my training from the IBEW 1547 apprenticeship program in 1965.   Currently I work for Golden Valley Electric Association, the local REA.

From working and tramping in the Northwest, the Southwest, Midwest, and Northeast states, I've gained more experience in rubber glove techniques, hotsticks, and heavy equipment operation.   I'm currently living in Alaska enjoying linework under arctic conditions and feeding the fireplace.  During the early 70's we worked on the North Slope on the development of the oil fields under extremes cold weather conditions

In 1983, 1985, and 1997 I've trained beginning apprentice lineman at the IBEW electrical training center in Fairbanks and taught the same course in Kotzebue.

In 1987 and 1988 I worked on a 138 KVA project, the first project of its kind on the Big Island of Hawaii.   Hawaiian Electric was building a 138 KVA line from Hilo to Kona over the saddle between Mauna Kea Mauna Loa.   This project included setting over 300 poles with Columbia helicopters out of Oregon.   In a ten hour day, we'd set 14# 75' to 85' foot poles.   Five new employees were hired for this project from a pool of 250 applicants from the Mainland.

At the end of the project, I was offered a full-time position at Hawaiian Electric but I declined the offer.   for by this time, I had rock fever.   I was more than ready to get back to the 560,000 acres of Alaska.

Over the years the line trade has offered me very interesting and challenging opportunities to travel to many parts of the country.

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Copyright © 1998-2001 by Keith
revised August 19, 2001